Experiences of Alignment with Lavender


“I was always a bit skeptical over Reiki before having a session with Lavender Malin. I struggle with a lot of depression and trauma and my heart has been very hurt and built up walls over the years. After a session with this born intuitive healer, I could feel the walls melt. Burning Palo Santo from Costa Rica and playing tunes that transported me into a jungle paradise, I could viscerally feel my energy shifting. I could see the shards removing themselves from the grayness of my heart and felt the pulsating red of fresh beating blood. Lavender made sure I was comfortable and we sipped turmeric tea before our session. She knew just how to guide me through the journey and somehow knew exactly the parting words I needed to hear.

I had this session right before leaving on a trip to see my father, who ended up having a health crisis as soon as I arrived. I was able to be present and hold his hand in the ER and be brave and strong like the Valkarie warrior queen Lavender saw at the end of our session. I was levitating after the energy shifts of this modern shaman, and without her help I don't think I could have handled my family crisis with the dignity and grace Lavender foresaw. I would definitely have another Reiki session again, and in fact plan on it upon my return to New York. I could not recommend Nightlight Wellness more highly for anyone who could use some healing...and that would be most of us, would it not?”

— Alison Leaf, Brooklyn, NY

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“During my Reiki session with Lavender, I experienced a new connection to my knowing. I began the experience by drinking an amazing and delicious herbal elixir made with so much goodness in pure intentional love. She seemed very interested on my well-being and vibration which added to the experience, it created an environment where I felt comfortable, and loved. It was easy to relax and allow the magic to begin.

My guides came and shared beautiful messages, grounding me into my knowing. Goddess Pele shared her support during my time here on the Big Island. I would recommend Lavender to anyone that is looking to connect deeper to their own personal power and heart space.

I loved the sound healing and her beautiful voice is magnetic and angelic.

I love this sister so much and I'm so grateful that she's doing her work and being a pure positive light here now.

— Daiana Hermes, Big Island, HI

“I've been dealing with chronic back pain/asymmetric alignment issues for a long time, and have recently been doing a lot of work on one side of my body to address it. When I had a Reiki session with Lavender, I felt energy draw to the other side, which I realized I had been neglecting in the effort to fix my pain. This was enlightening, and the gentle, warm energy stayed with me into the following day, a steady reminder of the compassion I need to use when addressing my whole body as I work through these issues. Thank you Lavender, your actions are always infused with loving kindness.”

— Jennifer Hoffer, Portland, ME

“I had a Reiki session with Lavender; it was a deeply healing and cleansing experience for me on inner and outer levels. I’d be struggling with some issues involving a positive relationship between the Heart Chakra and Sacral Chakra. Ironically, after the treatment I experienced a situation that brought up an opportunity to address these issues in my own life. The process felt uncomfortable, but it was easier for me to push through with the blockade removal and healing that Lavender’s Reiki treatment had provided. Thank you for a positive and nurturing experience!”

— Hope Diamond, New Orleans, LA